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Additional Services that Innovative TeleRadiology can provide:

Patient Notification Lay Letters:

As required by law, all physicians must send a report to their patients of their results, whether they are normal or if further follow-up is needed. The purpose is to ensure that patients are informed about their health and to provide them with next steps.

BI-RADS Tracking

BI-RADS tracking (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) is a standardized system used to assess and report the results of breast imaging exams, such as mammograms and breast ultrasounds. It helps in assessing the likelihood of malignancy and determining the next steps in patient management. The BR-RADS system was developed by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The system categorizes breast findings into different levels (0-6), with each level providing guidance for management.

ACR Accreditation / MQSA Inspections:

The ACR offers voluntary accreditiaion for a variety of imaging modalities, including mammography, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, and more. The purpose is to ensure that imaging facilities meet the highest standards in terms of equipment quality, image quality, safety , and patient care. Involves meeting rigorous standards, including equipment performance, personnel qualifications, facility conditions, quality assurance program, and image review by board certified radiologist.

MQSA Inspections:

The MQSA is a federal law in the unites states that ensures all mammography facilities meet specific quality standards to ensure the safety and reliability of mammograms. The FDA oversees MQSA inspections , and all facilities that perform mammograms are required to undergo inspection by the FDA.

Lead Interpreting Physician:

A lead interpreting physician, often a radiologist, who is responsible for overseeing the interpretation of mammograms. Their primary role is to ensure the accurate reading and analysis of mammograms. Our radiologist are specialists in breast imaging, and their role includes reviewing mammograms, providing diagnoses, and ensuring that the imaging is of high quality.

IT Services:

Several IT services play a critical role in making TeleRadiology efficient and secure. Key IT services involved that we can provide include:
  • PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems)
  • RIS (Radiology Information Systems)
  • Cloud Storage and Computing
  • Data Security, Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR)
  • Network Security, HIPAA Compliance, Managed Services
  • VPN’s (Virtual Private Network) and so much more!
HOW CAN WE HELP YOU TODAY? – Call us at 866-ITR-RAD1  Or